Some Risk Factors of Chronic Functional Constipation Identified in a Pediatric Population.


eMediNexus    13 February 2018

A new study published in Gastroenterology Research and Practice found that children from broken families, with positive family history, defective dietary habits, obesity and sedentary behavior, have higher predisposition for chronic functional constipation. This observational study was conducted over one year in 234 children, aged 4-18 years, and a matching control group. In the study group, 60.73% of the children were males. It was observed that the average age of onset of constipation was 26.39 months. The frequency of defecation was 1/4.59 days in the study group and 1/1.13 days in the control group. On the other hand, 38.49% of the patients in the study group had a positive family history of functional constipation. In addition, most of the children with functional constipation either hailed from single-parent families, were raised by relatives or were from orphanages. Furthermore, children with constipation usually took their last meal at the later hours of the day, and consumed fast foods more frequently than those in the control group. A statistically significant difference was detected between the groups with respect to obesity/overweight and constipation and related to physical activity and constipation. Moreover, the number of hours spent watching television or using the computer elicited a positive correlation with the occurrence of the disease.

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